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David Furlong

David Furlong is the founder and artistic director of Exchange Theatre. He trained in France at the National Theatre of Chaillot. Prior to his training, he was part of a rep company for which heperformed many French classics: Moliere, Hugo, Marivaux, Musset...


In Paris, he worked with many famous directors including Hans Peter Cloos, Deborah Warner and Michel Lopez. His theatre credits in France include Monserrat in Monserrat, the Father in Tatoo, Camille in A Flea in His Ear. In London, he took part in many productions including Love’s Labours Lost, The Rover, Red Oleander and the Rover. For Exchange Theatre, he was Lucien in  Feydeau’s Madame Late’s Mother, Orestes in JP Sartre’s the Flies and Philipe in A Family Affair.


Along his writing work (he wrote 12 shows for a children season at the French Institute), he has directed many plays for the company: The Exchange by Paul Claudel, Bal Trap by Xavier Durringer, Business which he also wrote. He has recently worked with Jo Hill-Gibbens on the Changelling at the Young Vic.


David has now taught for over eight years in both French and English. He is currently a guest teacher at Arts Educational. He is still a personal coach to many professional actors.


I was trained with a French heritage, close to the work of Patrice Chereau or Antoine Vitez, before pursuing a permanent ongoing training in the Uk, encountering various methods as diverse as vigorous Non- western methods, 'The actor and the Target' and even very psychological 'actor's studio. What I've learned from all of it, is how much an actor becomes interesting whenever he is engaged or engages more with anything outside of him, to bring his best out of him"

Exchange Theatre Workshops is part of Exchange Theatre. This is an international company established in London to create new works using different languages, art forms and cultural backgrounds. We translate, promote and perform worldwide pieces in English.

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